Thursday, February 28, 2002

Your Ticket In Life

The moon is so bright on a clear night,
that I can see the outline of the mountains surrounding my home,
if you listen carefully you can hear the coyote's crying,
the souls gone on help us go safely through our day,
your dreams signal that danger is on its way,
you wake up and begin to pray,
that the danger would completely go away,
so you wouldn't have to face it throughout your busy days,
which eventually become your grave,
the stress-the pressure-even the thought of being in existance,
scares you to the evening of your day.

You eat-you laugh-you talk-you sleep,
where the cycle repeats itself until God eventually says,
"Time is up" and you turn in your life to be graded,
those who make straight "A's" get in Heaven quite easily,
"B's" go through on their knees,
"C's" hang on by their teeth,
"D's" must beg and plead,
"F's" are failures that go down living an eternity,
of what they put other through,
and they must watch every bad thing they had done,
and never to stop.

The point is to give it your all through life,
because this is the only time you can take this test,
get some rest-you have a long way to go.

Copyright 2002. All Rights Reserved.

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